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* student contributor

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-- 2024 -- *Kim, Y., Ellis, J.T., and Kupfer, J.A. Application of grid-based landscape metrics approach for coastal dune vegetation and wrack pattern analysis. Annual Meeting of the AAG. Honolulu, HI, 2024 (virtual presentation). Zhang, P., Bae, J., Parteli, E., Ellis, J.T., Farrell, E., Li, B., Sherman, D., Aeolian saltation: median height, mean grain size, and dimensionless shear velocity. European Geosciences Union. Vienna, Austria, 2024 (presentation).

-- 2023 -- Ellis, J.T. and Sherman, D.J. 2023. Cross-wavelet analysis of coherent wind and saltation events. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 48(2), 406-414. Ellis, J.T. Management Challenges in the Dynamic Beach-Dune Environment. R.J. Russell Award Lecture, Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers, Denver, CO, 2023 (invited presentation). Tereszkiewicz, P.A. and Ellis, J.T. Wrack: A geomorphic engineer in foredune development and pos-storm recovery. International Society of Aeolian Researchers XI, Las Cruces, NM, 2023 (presentation). Zhang, P., Ellis, J. Araújo, A.D., Parteli, E., Mederios De Carvelho, A., Swann, C., Bae, J., and Sherman, D. Evaluation of sand flux profiles by different approaches. International Society of Aeolian Researchers XI, Las Cruces, NM, 2023 (presentation). *Harris, M.E., Ellis, J.T., and Ferguson, J.B., Establishing relationships between topography and vegetation for a post-storm incipient foredune system. Meeting of the AAG, Denver, CO, 2023 (presentation).

-- 2022 -- Ellis, J.T. and Houser, C., 2022. Process-based beach and dune systems. In: Shroder, J.J.F. (Ed.), Treatise on Geomorphology, vol. 8. Elsevier, Academic Press, pp. 494-526 (invited contribution). Sherman, D.J. and Ellis, J.T., 2022. Sand transport processes. In: Shroder, J.J.F. (Ed.), Treatise on Geomorphology, vol. 7. Elsevier, Academic Press, pp. 385–414. (invited contribution) Sunny, D.S., Islam, K.M.A., Mullick, R.A., and Ellis, J.T., 2022. Performance study of imageries from MODIS, Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 on measuring shoreline change at regional scale. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 28, 100816. *Tereszkiewicz, P.A. and Ellis, J.T. Assessing the efficacy of NDVI and PRI near-surface spectral reflectance sensors in coastal dune environments. Annual Meeting of the AAG. New York City, NY, 2022 (virtual presentation). Sherman, D.J., Zhang, P., Pelletier, J., Ellis, J.T., Li, B., and Farrell, E.J. Grainflow shape quantification and classification. Annual Meeting of the AAG. New York City, NY, 2022 (virtual presentation). Ellis, J.T. Engineering with Nature for Coastal Engineering Purposes: An American Perspective. Building Coastal Resilience. Bruges, Belgium, 2022 (invited presentation). Ellis, J.T. King tide impacts on South Carolina beaches. South Carolina Beach Advocates Annual Meeting. Kiawah Island, SC, 2022 (invited presentation). Sherman, D.J., Zhang, P., Pelletier, J.D., Ellis, J.T., Farrell, E.J., and Li, B. 2022. Barchan slipface grainflows: Characteristics and kinematics. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(15), e2021GL095257. Zhang, P., Sherman, D.J., Pelletier, J., Ellis, J.T., Farrell, E.J., and Li, B. 2022. Quantification and classification of grainflow morphology on natural dunes. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, *McGill, S.P. and Ellis, J.T., 2022. Rip current and channel detection using surfcams and optical flow. Shore & Beach, 90(1), 50-58.

-- 2021 -- *Harris, M.E. and Ellis, J.T., 2021. Comparing tropical cyclone and king tide impacts on a South Carolina coastal dune system. Journal of Coastal Research, 37(5), 923-932. Ellis, J.T. and *Harris, M.H. King tide and tropical cyclone impacts on a South Carolina coastal dune system. Annual Meeting of the American Shore and Beach Preservation Association, New Orleans, LA, 2021 (presentation). *Tereszkiewicz, P.A. and Ellis, J.T. Assessing the efficacy of near surface spectral reflectance sensors in coastal dune environments. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting. New Orleans, 2021 (presentation). Ellis, J.T. and *Harris, M.E. Thoughts on protecting the Isle of Palms beach-dune system notwithstanding storms and king tides. South Carolina Beach Advocates Annual Meeting. Isle of Palms, SC, 2021 (invited presentation).

-- 2020 -- Ellis, J.T., Román-Rivera, M.A., *Harris, M.E., and *Tereszkiewicz, P.A., 2020. Two years and two hurricanes later: Did the dunes recover? Shore & Beach, 88(4), 3-12. *Román-Rivera, M.A., Ellis, J.T., Wang, C., 2020. Applying a rule-based OBIA approach for nearshore bar identification and characterization. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 14(4), 044502. Ellis, J.T., *Harris, M.E., Román-Rivera, M.A., *Ferguson, J.B., *Tereszkiewicz, P.A., and *McGill, S.P., 2020. Application of the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale to assess sand dune response to tropical storms. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 8, 670. *Harris, M.E. and Ellis, J.T., 2020. A holistic approach to evaluating dune cores. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 24(4), 42. Ning, Q., Li, B., and Ellis, J.T., 2020. Fence height control on sand trapping. Aeolian Research, 46: 100617. Li, H., Wang, C., Ellis, J.T., Cui, Y., Miller, G., and Morris, J.T., 2020. Identifying marsh dieback events from Landsat image series (1998-2018) with an Autoencoder in the NIWB estuary, South Carolina. International Journal of Digital Earth, doi:10.1080/17538947.2020.1729263. *Harris, M.E., Ellis, J.T., and Barrineau, C.P., 2020. Evaluating the geomorphic response from sand fences on dunes impacted by hurricanes. Ocean and Coastal Management, 193: 105247. Shuster, R., Sherman, D.J., Lorang, M.S., Ellis, J.T., and Hopf, F., 2020. Erosive potential of recreational boat wakes. Journal of Coastal Research, 95: 1279-1283.

-- 2019 -- *Tereszkiewicz, P.A., Ellis, J.T., and *Gould, H.A., 2019. Introducing a cost-effective method to assess island-wide geomorphic change. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 23: 563-569. *Ferguson, J., Ellis, J., *Harris, M., *Román-Rivera, M., and *Tereszkiewicz, P. Geomorphic response of the beach-dune system to the 2017 and 2018 hurricane seasons at the Isle of Palms, SC. Annual Meeting of the American Shore and Beach Preservation Association, Myrtle Beach, SC, 2019 (presentation). *Román-Rivera, M.A. and Ellis, J.T. Using multispectral imagery to detect nearshore bars and elucidate beach-dune system dynamics. Annual Meeting of AAG. Washington, DC, 2019 (presentation). *McGill, S.P. and Ellis, J.T. Programmable lifeguards: Combining surf cameras and computer vision to identify rip currents. Annual Meeting of AAG. Washington, DC, 2019 (presentation). *Harris, M.E. and Ellis, J.T. Coastal management on the fence: Evaluating the geomorphic impact of sand fences. Annual Meeting of AAG. Washington, DC, 2019 (presentation). *Marino, G.B. and Ellis, J.T. Post-storm comparisons of shoreline change models in North and South Carolina. Annual Meeting of AAG. Washington, DC, 2019 (presentation). *Tereszkiewicz, P.A., Swann, C., and Ellis, J.T. A-TTRACS: A GUI based application for the quantification of aeolian turbulence and transport. Annual Meeting. Geologic Society of America (GSA). Phoenix, AZ, 2019 (presentation). Ellis, J.T., *Román-Rivera, M.A., *Harris, M.H., and *Tereszkiewicz, P.A. Post-storm beach-dune recovery on a meso tidal barrier island. Annual Meeting of the American Shore and Beach Preservation Association, Myrtle Beach, SC, 2019 (presentation). *Tereszkiewicz, P.A. and Ellis, J.T. Implications of sediment-vegetation interactions on post-storm recovery. Annual Meeting of AAG. Washington, DC, 2019 (presentation). Sherman, D.J., Zhang, P., Martin, R.L., Ellis, J.T., Kok, J.F., Farrell, E.J., and Li, B., 2019. Aeolian ripple migration and associated creep transport rates. Geosciences, 9: 389. Ellis, J.T. and *Román-Rivera, M.A., 2019. Assessing natural and mechanical dune performance in a post-hurricane environment. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 7: 126. *Román-Rivera, M.A. and Ellis, J.T., 2019. A synthetic review of remote sensing applications to detect nearshore bars. Marine Geology, 408: 144-153. Swann, C., *Tereszkiewicz, P.A., and Ellis, J.T. A-TTRACS: Aeolian turbulence and transport rapid computational suite: A GUI-enabled software package for rapid computation of aeolian field data. Annual Meeting. GSA. Phoenix, AZ, 2019 (presentation). Ellis, J.T. Dunes of South Carolina. South Carolina Beach Advocates Annual Meeting. Isle of Palms, SC, 2019 (invited presentation). Zhang, P., Sherman, D., Ellis, J., and Farrell, E. The characteristics about aeolian ripple migration and shear velocity on the sand surface. Annual Meeting of AAG. Washington, DC, 2019 (presentation). *Ferguson, J.B., Ellis, J.T., and Smith, E. Bringing science to stakeholders: Increasing communication within the coastal research process. Annual Meeting of AAG. Washington, DC, 2019 (presentation).

-- 2018 -- *Román-Rivera, M.A. and Ellis, J.T., 2018. The king tide conundrum. Journal of Coastal Research, 34(4): 769-771. Sherman, D.J., Li, B., Ellis, J.T., and Swann, C., 2018. Intermittent aeolian saltation: A protocol for quantification. Geographical Review, 108(2): 296-314. Martin, R.L., Kok, J.F., Hugenholtz, C.H., Barchyn, T.E., Chanecki, M., Ellis, J.T., 2018. High-frequency measurements of aeolian saltation flux: Field-based methodology and applications. Aeolian Research, 30: 97-114. *McGill, S.P., Ellis, J.T., and *Román-Rivera, M.A. Investigating post-hurricane damage mitigation techniques on dune system recovery. Annual Meeting of AAG. New Orleans, LA, 2018 (presentation). *Marino, G. and Ellis, J.T. Perpetual maintenance: Geovisualization of beach nourishment-associated feedback effects. Annual Meeting of AAG. New Orleans, LA, 2018 (presentation). *Harris, M. and Ellis, J.T. Analyzing the efficacy of hardcore dunes. Annual Meeting of AAG. New Orleans, LA, 2018 (presentation). *Tereszkiewicz, P.A., *Gould, H.A., and Ellis, J.T. Assessing morphologic change post-Hurricane Irma on a shoe string budget: an open source alternative for coastal managers. Annual Meeting of AAG. New Orleans, LA, 2018 (presentation). *Román-Rivera, M.A. and Ellis, J.T. King tide conundrum. Annual Meeting of AAG. New Orleans, LA, 2018 (presentation). Davidson-Arnott, R.D.A., Farrell, E.J., Ellis, J.T., and Sherman, D.J. Temporal patterns of aeolian saltation. International Conference of Aeolian Researchers. Bordeaux, FR, 2018 (presentation). Ellis, J.T. and Sherman, D.J. Predicting aeolian sand transport rates: A sensitivity analysis. Annual Meeting of AAG. New Orleans, LA, 2018 (presentation).

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-- 2017 -- *Wegner, C.E. and Ellis, J.T., 2017. The influence of sea-level rise on wave energy dissipation and wave-driven currents at Buck Island National Monument. Journal of Coastal Research, 33(1): 56-66. Ellis, J.T. and Sherman, D.J. Aeolian ripple morphology and evolution. Annual Meeting of AAG. Boston, MA, 2017 (presentation). Sherman, D.J. and Ellis, J.T. Aeolian ripple migration rates. Annual Meeting of AAG. Boston, MA, 2017 (presentation). *McGill, S.P., Ellis, J.T., and *Román-Rivera, M.A. Comparing dune recovery management techniques post-hurricane Southeastern Division of the AAG. Starkville, MS, 2017 (presentation). *Tereszkiewicz, P.A., *Gould, H.A., and Ellis, J.T. More than a street sign: Measuring topographic change post-hurricane Irma. Southeastern Division of the AAG. Starkville, MS, 2017 (presentation). *Román-Rivera, M.A. and Ellis, J.T. Beach-dune recovery along the South Carolina coast post Hurricane Matthew. Annual Meeting of AAG. Boston, MA, 2017 (presentation).

-- 2016 -- Carvalho, A.M., Ellis, J.T., Lamothe, M., and Maia, L.P., 2016. Using wind direction and shoreline morphology to model sand dune mobilization. Journal of Coastal Research, 32(5): 1005-1015. Carvalho, A.M., Ellis, J.T., Branco, R.M.G.C., Lima Junior, S.B., Maia, L.P., and Gastao, F.G.C. Aeoliante as a proxy to evaluate former coastline position in northwest Ceará state-Northeast Brazil. 2nd Virtual Geoscience Conference. Bergen, Norway, 2016 (presentation). Sherman, D.J., Li, B., Ellis, J.T., Farrell, E.J., Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., Baas, A.C.W., and Swann, C. The nature of large-scale coherent structures as a source of saltation unsteadiness. International Conference on Aeolian Research. Mildura, Australia, 2016 (best presentation award). Guimarães, P.V, Pereira, P.S., Calliari, L.J. and Ellis, J.T., 2016. Behavior and identification of ephemeral sand dunes at the backshore zone using video images. Anais da Academia Brasileria de Ciências, 88(3): 1357-1369.

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